Full List of Broad Edge Services

Culinary Knives of all sizes Single edged knives Serrated Knives Food processors & accessories Blender blades Mondolines Pizza wheels Mezzalunas Deli slicers Bench scrapers Scissors & shears Knife tip & chip repair +no ceramic knives Tools Hands trowels...

Knives / Repairs

Knives are the main tool of any kitchen.  Using a dull knife forces you to use more pressure thus increasing the risk of slipping and cutting yourself.  A sharp knife cuts and chops with ease and is essential to a kitchen running smoothly. If you have a dull knife, or...
Scissors / Shears

Scissors / Shears

Scissors and shears are utilized in many settings and for a wide variety of materials.  Almost any type of scissor/shear can be sharpened whether you use them for household needs, for fabric, or at work, or as a butcher.  My goal is to extend the life of your tools. ...

Home Kitchen

There is an incredibly satisfying feeling of slicing through a tomato with ease, or thinly slicing a head of cabbage, or just cutting a sandwich in half without the bread tearing.  A sharp knife makes any kitchen task more safe and enjoyable. Other tools like blender...

Commercial Kitchen

The tools in a commercial kitchen need to be safe and efficient. Having sharp knives is an essential part to a kitchen running smoothly. Other tools like blender blades, robot coupe accessories, and deli slicers become dull overtime and slow productivity. All of these...